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The 7 Minute Will!

It seems that 7 minutes is hardly enough time to get anything done these days! Seven minutes is less time than a typical snooze alarm ... less time than it usually takes to eat a fast-food lunch ... less time than many people spend taking a shower ...

So what's the story behind the 7 minute will? Can you really make a will in 7 minutes? And even if you can, is the document you produce something to which you want to entrust your family's future?

The idea behind our "7 minute will" came from demonstrations of the software in which the presenter asked the audience for names of spouse, children, executors, etc. In that setting it takes about 7 minutes to create a new account, answer the required questions, and go through a payment process assuming a husband, wife, and two kids.

In reality, the presenter didn't produce only one will in 7 minutes. Rather she she produced a will, a living will, and power of attorney for both husband and wife! That's six documents in 7 minutes!! Of course it's much harder to say all of that than it is to just call it a "7 minute will"!

How Long Will It Take Me?

When it comes to making your own will, the goal, of course, is not to get it finished as quickly as possible. Rather you'll want to weigh carefully your decisions regarding who will be taking care of your children and who will be managing your money on their behalf as they grow.

We've said it before, but it bears repeating: The wills produced by TrustedWills.com use the same wording as the wills with which we protect our own families. So, can you make a quality will in 7 minutes? Absolutely. But take your time!

The documents we provide were worded by attorneys for their stated purpose, but we do not claim they should be used by you for those purposes or any other purpose. Use of these forms is not intended to be a replacement of the services of an attorney.