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A Last Will and Testament is a legal document that represents an individual's wishes about the disposition of his or her property after death. In addition to the property disposition, parents of minor children use a Last Will and Testament to state their intentions regarding who should care for any children or other dependents in the event of the parent's death.
To know for sure whether or not you need a Last Will and Testament you should discuss your individual situation with an attorney. Generally speaking, if you have dependents for whom you are responsible, we at believe you should have a will.
Having a Last Will and Testament in place that clearly explains your wishes can ease tensions at a time that is already stressful for your family members. Also, it makes the transition for your dependents as smooth as possible by removing uncertainty about who will provide their care.
A Last Will and Testament is a legal document that transfers your assets after death. And, for parents of young children, it gives PEACE OF MIND. can make this happen for you right away. Just sign up using the form on our home page.
A Living Will is a legal document that allows you to declare that your life not be artificially prolonged by extraordinary measures when there is no reasonable expectation of recovery. Without a Living Will, families are forced to make gut-wrenching decisions about the extent of care that a terminally-ill loved one would have wanted. Let us help you help your family know and honor your wishes. can make this happen for you right away. Just sign up using the form on our home page.
A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows you to designate someone as your agent to make decisions on your behalf. A Power of Attorney enables a trusted friend or family member to make decisions that would be in your best interest. These decisions can involve financial matters such as the buying and selling of property. Or, these decisions can involve health care matters if you are no longer able to make these decisions for yourself.
A Power of Attorney may designate a person to be another's Health Care Proxy. Your Health Care Proxy would be responsible for making health care decisions that you are unable to make. For example, a Living Will cannot contemplate every possible scenario that might develop. A Health Care Proxy will stand in your shoes, and make the decision you would have wanted to make on your own. can make this happen for you right away. Just sign up using the form on our home page.
To make a Will at, just follow these simple steps:
Assuming that we do offer a will for your state, there are certainly situations that merit more individual attention than our services will provide. In some cases it may be necessary for an individual to sit down in a face-to-face meeting with an attorney to discuss their unique circumstances. This is a partial list of situations for which we suggest that you meet with a local attorney:
If you have significant assets, your estate may need sophisticated tax planning advice and the creation of trusts, in addition to the creation of a will
If you have a special-needs child who will likely not be able to manage their own finances by the age of 25
If a previous relationship has resulted in complex custody arrangements
If you have children or a spouse you want to specifically exclude from your will
There is no current plan for dismantling the site, but since the site is not generating revenue and is relatively expensive to maintain there is no guarantee it will remain available. You are welcome to use the site, but do so at your own risk. Of course, you can download the PDF documents as soon as they are generated so you can maintain access in that way.
A notary public is a person authorized by a state to certify documents and attest to the authenticity of signatures. You will need to sign your will in the presence of witnesses and a notary public before it will be a valid document. Notary publics are often employed at banks, universities, or churches. In fact, many banks offer free Notary services to their customers.
The documents we provide were worded by attorneys for their stated purpose, but we do not claim they should be used by you for those purposes or any other purpose. Use of these forms is not intended to be a replacement of the services of an attorney.